Ironman Ottawa ’25: Preparations

Course videos | Strava activities | RideWithGPS maps | Additional resources

When Ironman announced that Ottawa will be hosting the next Canadian full distance triathlon I got pretty hyped – I’ve been doing this sport for over a decade now, and have participated in Ironman branded events since 2017; but having an Ironman race coming to your hometown is very exciting! Besides the fact that this is likely the cheapest opportunities for locals to participate in those rather expensive events by saving on all the travel, Ottawa is just a great place to host:

  • We have a very active and big outdoor community, especially when it comes to cycling and running. Ottawa has a well established triathlon scene, with many races being organized by every year.
  • With Gatineau Park just outside the city, we have a unique cycling paradise that I don’t think can be compared to anywhere else: During summer, most of the days the streets are closed to cars and open to active use, which makes for an enjoyable and safe training environment for hundreds of cyclists every day.
  • Having a major sports event taking place right in the middle of a capital city looks like fun for both, athletes and spectators. There will be some great views of downtown, Parliament Hill, the Ottawa River, Rideau Canal, Dow’s Lake. Ottawa’s main running event, the annual Ottawa Race Weekend in May, attracts tens of thousands of runners and spectators.

This page is to provide a central place for athletes to learn about Ironman Ottawa from a local. Over the next months I’ll add useful info about the course, the city, and the local triathlon community. Feel free to join the Ironman Ottawa Strava Group for frequent updates, too!

Please leave comments if you want to know anything in particular.

Video material

If you want to have quick glance on the course, or even use it to train indoors during winter, here are some video files on Youtube I created when I cycled the course in late October 2024. You’ll find plenty of additional race information in those clips. The full course is also available on the FulGaz cycling platform.

Real-time video of the full bike course, with distance markers and plenty of on-screen info about the course, the city, and the community

Timelapse video of the first bike lap (from T1 at Britannia Beach to the turnaround on Kichi Zibi Mika, at KM63)

Running a winter marathon on parts of the Ottawa Ironman bike course, along Kichi Zibi Mikan. This is how it looks here in the middle of winter!

Strava activity

Over the past weeks I was able to take my bike and cycled both, the complete bike course as well as the current version of the run section. You’ll find my Strava activities below.

Bike section

Run section

Running course recon on Strava
coming soon

RideWithGPS gpx files

Swim course

The swim course will lead us two loops through Britannia Bay, a relatively shallow and protected portion of Ottawa River. I haven’t been able to find out yet whether there will be a short walking section in between loops or not. If so, this could be a good opportunity to have some water and a short breather in between.

Bike course

The 2.75 loops of the bike course start at T1 in Britannia Beach, and then loop around Ottawa’s parkways. Towards and through downtown, then along the Rideau Canal and back to Parliament Hill, followed by a long stretch towards the east. The course will likely finish at T2 on Parliament Hill.
The overall elevation is around 700m.

Run course

The final leg of the race follows along some of Ottawa’s most popular running routes. After a short loop on Parliament hill, most of the two-loop course is spent on driveways along the Rideau Canal. This will be a very flat route, with some exceptions when crossing bridges and going up and down Parliament hill between the two loops.

Additional links and resources


