Nach Kanada bin ich schon immer gern gereist. Während der vergangenen zehn Jahre war ich viermal dort, dreimal davon im Osten (Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa). In Kanada kommt man leicht rum, es gibt beeindruckende Natur, lockere und gastfreundliche Menschen. Ein paar Gründe dafür, dass ich bald selbst dort leben werde!

Many Canadian cities are labled with huge letters somewhere in there downtown area. Not, that this city wouldn't have any other remarkable landmarks...

Photographed from Ward Island. I spent 5 hours walking around just to wait for the sun set. Almost missed the last ferry back.

For an interesting picture it is always worth to leave your camera standing at exactly the same spot for 3 hours...

In March 2016 I visited Niagara Falls for one day and was impressed by their appearance. Not so much impressed I was by the city itself, which more looked like an outdoor casino.

That's a very strange town... can't get any more touristy than that. Casinos and hotels in every corner. Luckily, not so much tourism during the winter.

That's a view I'd never seen before... when seing pictures of Niagara Falls, their original context ist usually missed - now I know why.

That was definitely my hardest half marathon - wind chill temperatures at -25 to -30 degrees and 100% snow coverage on the streets...

Finished the half marathon at freezing temperatures in about 1hr 55min. Pretty good for those conditions.